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Apr 01, 2019 - Caliper Disc Brakes 2019: Which is Better - Pneumatic or Hydraulic?

Power transmission in 2019 is seamless and functional, provided the right mechanics are used to bring it to fruition. We live in an electrical age where industrial caliper disc brakes are essential to run a number of different operations. Without the intervention of these brakes, the agricultural, energy, mining, marine, manufacturing and oil sectors wouldn’t be what they are today.



When you shop around, the first thing that you will notice is that these disc brakes are designed in many forms depending on the industry and application they are intended to serve. If you’re not too familiar with the precise functions of each, it can be tricky to invest in the right one.


So how do you decide? We’re here to help! In this article, we highlight the benefits of pneumatic and hydraulic brakes.  



Why is an Industrial Caliper Disc Brake Important?

A common question is; What are brake calipers used for? Every caliper disc brake undertakes to achieve the same outcome; slowing, holding and stopping fast moving applications that have heavy loads. While some take longer to achieve this, others are manufactured to do so very swiftly.


What does a caliper disc system consist of? Your typical system will be comprised of brakes, a disc, and mounting mechanisms. For a hydraulic system, a hydraulic power pack will be incorporated as well.


These brakes are a safe and effective solution to endure great tensions connected with dynamic braking. Built to last, industrial brakes are capable of holding their own in the most aggressive environments and under challenging temperatures.  


Drawing broad strokes, high-quality caliper disc brakes are capable of braking torque from as little as 600 pounds to as high as 150,000 pounds.


When you shop from trusted manufacturers like Eaton Airflex and Twiflex, you can be assured of the best products that are completely safe to operate. These will be suited for all manner of industrial and off-highway automotive applications.


Many caliper disc brake packages also include a unit to monitor the brake status as well as limit switches to override the operation.


The primary benefits of a caliper disc brake are;

  • Quick response times

  • Extended lifespan

  • Simple and cost-effective maintenance

  • Reliability in challenging temperatures and environments

  • Unlimited safety as a result of failsafe switches

  • Little to no machine downtimes

  • Fast availability to replace or refurbish parts as needed



Applications That Require Caliper Disc Brakes

Prime markets that employ these types of packages are;


  • Marine propulsion applications

  • Metalworking and energy functions

  • Elevators

  • Escalators

  • Shaft brakes

  • Rolling mills

  • Conveyor belts

  • Hoists

  • Grinding mills

  • Cranes


Pneumatic Caliper Brakes

This is a type of caliper disc brake that uses compressed air as its primary power source. Because of its versatility and simplicity of design, it can be employed in a wide range of industries.


Bear in mind that your industry, like most, will no doubt already be harnessing this source of power for other applications in the form of a pneumatic compressor. A pneumatic caliper brake can be leveraged to halt rotating parts while operating at 70-120 PSI.


If you invest in an Eaton pneumatic caliper disc brake, the system will include an air-actuated and spring-applied failsafe and a dual brake. Supposing you are involved in service stops, tensioning, emergency parking and other simultaneous tasks, pneumatic brakes are a great investment.


Why Choose Pneumatic Systems: These are ideal for light-to-medium-demand and tensioning tasks; most particularly, tasks that call for tight control.


Hydraulic Caliper Brakes

This is a type of caliper disc brake that uses compressed fluid (commonly referred to as hydraulic oil) as its primary power source. These brakes are built sturdily and can withstand immense pressures.


If you invest in an Eaton hydraulic caliper brake, you can choose between a regular hydraulic brake or a direct hydraulic brake. Furthermore, these are bifurcated into oil-applied and spring-applied packages. If you are involved in holding and parking tasks, cyclic and tensioning applications, especially in challenging environments, you will greatly benefit from a hydraulic caliper brake.


Why Choose Hydraulic Systems: These are ideal for applications involving a much higher torque. Hydraulic systems are best to hold, stop or tension heavy and quick-moving machinery.


In conclusion, these are safe, reliable and high-quality braking solutions that suit a wide range of industrial applications; marine, oil, energy, gas, and entertainment.


High-Performance. Safe. Cost-Effective.

Gordon Russell offers high-performing caliper disc brakes that are manufactured by the most trusted suppliers; Eaton and Twiflex. We serve clients across Canada and are happy to include a complimentary consultation to help you choose the right product for your machinery.


Contact us for a great quote today!

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